Curriculum - Little Wonders Montessori

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The classrooms at Little Wonders Montessori have been carefully equipped with furnishings and creative playthings designed to handle the specific needs of the children. In accordance with the traditional Montessori curriculum, our goal is to provide all our children with enriched, nurturing, progressive, stimulating experiences in a classroom environment that is bright and happy. Because our Preschool Program based on the Montessori philosophy, it strives to provide each child with an environment where they inculcate learning habits that make them successful students, prepared for the challenges of their future school years and beyond.

As Little Wonders students explore various areas of study, they absorb independent learning habits and develop self-esteem and leadership skills through age-appropriate, practical life activities. Our Montessori curriculum incorporates the following in its curriculum:


We encourage activities that nurture children's spontaneous desires and abilities to pace their own development motor skills, and challenge them to master practical solutions, independent thinking, and self-help skills.


We help the youngest children explore their senses and put things into logical perspective, encouraging them to study concepts such as colors & shapes through Montessori-specific learning materials.


The Montessori preschool classroom emphasizes spoken language as the foundation for all linguistic expression. Throughout the entire Montessori environment, the child hears and uses precise vocabulary for all the activities, learning the names of colors, size, textures, geometric shapes, plants, concepts, geographical and scientific terms, and so on.


Children are introduced to arithmetical functions, along with reading and writing. These academic disciplines are introduced to students at the earliest age, to encourage their inherent intellectual curiousity and love of learning.


Children are introduced to music, the visual arts, geography, and social science through indoor and outdoor activities, individually and in groups. This serves both to build self-awareness and to introduce children to the community & environment around them.

Daily activities are carefully balanced, to provide both quiet and active growth exercises for body and mind. Of course, time is devoted every day to eating, snacking and outdoor play. Both quiet and active activities may be conducted either in groups or in an individual setting.

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